Elevator Pitch Video Promotion 2017

Last year we launched a very special promotion and are excited to once again offer this amazing discount for a professional 1 minute video, regularly valued at $2000-$3500.

The idea is simple, by establishing a few creative parameters, and by shooting in one location on one day only, bfresh.media is able to provide your business with a 1 min video at this great price. The video package includes a logo animation and custom graphics and text, plus more.

Here is a full list of what you get:

  • 1 Minute Video featuring you and your business
  • Scripting consultation
  • Your logo animated
  • Ability to add other photos or videos.
  • 3 music options
  • Custom Colours and Fonts
  • Video optimization for website or social media
  • Closed Caption file (essential for facebook)

You get all that for only $599 per business for the entire production. Additionally, as with all our productions, it is our goal to make sure you are happy with the end product so there is the opportunity for you to provide feedback and changes to the video as well.

However, if you are looking for more customization, a rate card is also available for further changes in case you want to add things like motion graphics, extra video footage, or additional people.

An information session will be held on the evening of March 15th at The Clever Office to finalize scripts, provide wardrobe pointers, and general question answer. All bookings must be finalized by 8pm on 15th.

The Clever office is located at 1 First St. Collingwood ON, Suite 220. Learn more about this coworking space here:

Spaces are limited so call 416-912-1513 or email Ben b@bfresh.media to sign up today!

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BFresh.Media is a Collingwood based, Content Creation and  Video Production Company. 

We are your digital media partner. 


Copyright © 2023 Benjamin Frisch o/a BFresh.Media

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