No unfortunately this episode is not about Rest and Relaxation as much as I would love it to be. Instead we are talking about Repetition and Recognition. Two very important words that I want you to remember and I will ensure that you do remember through use of Repetition and Recognition… see it’s already working.
If there is one takeaway from my entire series I hope it’s this and here’s why. When I was in Highschool I had an art teacher who changed my life. I was really into drawing and he challenged me and taught me a lot but probably the most important lesson I learned and always remember was just 4 words. He would say “Black, White, and Grey”. He would say it constantly to remind us that good drawings should have variety of black white and shades of grey. Not just black and white as most kids tend to draw.
He would also reinforce that by showing us drawings that used a full range of black white and grey. It was through repetition and recognition that I never forgot his words and was able to produce some pretty amazing drawings. Just check out this portrait of my parents I drew in my 20s.
So how does this apply to your advertising? Well have you ever ran a single ad, that didn’t send any leads so you stopped? I’m sure many of you have because it can seem risky to put money into something that may not provide a return, so you pull the plug. The fact is however, if you only ever run one ad, chances are it won’t provide a return anyway because there was no repetition and recognition. This is key to being in the right place at the right time.
Talking about being in the right place at the right time, just this past weekend I was contacted by a potential new client who knows about BFresh.Media because of watching Happy Freakin Monday. So right there, a weekly video series is the repetition. Getting in front of my audience and staying top of mind. However, she admitted that she contacted me after seeing my branded car drive past her on the street. There’s the recognition in the right place at the right time. Sometimes it’s luck, but this client I don’t think believes in coincidence.
That’s why social media can be very effective because if you put in the effort, it can be a lot more cost effective to get that repetition going. For more on recognition, I have a past episode on Brand Consistency that can really help with that.
But that’s it for me. For more repetition and brand recognition, tune in next week.