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Ways You Can Improve Your Presentation Skills

Does the idea of presenting in front of an audience make your heart start racing and your mouth dry up?

If so, you’re in good company. A Gallup poll found that 40% of respondents cited public speaking as one of their top fears. Whether you’re getting nervous about your material or simply making a mistake, the good news is that there are some things you can try to boost your confidence as a public speaker.

Want to really nail that next presentation? Here are some ways you can improve your presentation skills.

Practice, Practice, Practice

They don’t say “practice makes perfect” for nothing! While it may be difficult to fit some practice time into your busy schedule, it’s practically essential if you want to give a solid, effective presentation.

Try practicing in as many different situations as possible to improve your confidence and recall. For example, practice in front of a mirror, with a friend, at the venue, with a recorder…you may even want to share it with a pet! The more you can run through your presentation and receive feedback the better, so don’t underestimate the importance of a good practice session.

Review Videos of Great Speakers

The Internet has no shortage of videos, so you should be able to easily find something from some of the most notable speakers of our time. For example, TED Talks feature experts speaking on a wide variety of topics. You may even be able to find a presenter speaking on a subject related to your field.

Once you’ve chosen a video, try analyzing and deconstructing the presentation. What makes them such an effective speaker? What kind of approach did they use? How was it executed? Figure out what you like about the speaker and try to use some of their methods into your next presentation.

Don’t Be Afraid to Let Your Personality Shine Through

Who says presentations have to be formal and stiff? Some of the best public speakers find a way to inject some personality into their presentations. This can create a more relaxing and comfortable atmosphere for both you and your audience.

For example, if you’re naturally a funny person, then you may want to incorporate a few humorous observations into your presentation. The audience will likely appreciate the chance to laugh, and it may even make them more engaged with your speech.

Ask and Answer Questions During the Presentation

A lot of speakers often ask the audience to hold all their questions until the end of the presentation, but unless you’re told otherwise, this doesn’t have to be the case. 

By being flexible and taking questions during your speech, you have the opportunity to demonstrate how well you really know your material. If your audience sees you as an authority on the subject, then they may be more likely to listen to what you have to say.

You may want to ask your audience some questions as well during the presentation. Try asking some icebreaker questions at the beginning of your speech to help get them engaged and lighten the mood. Once you’re sure you have their attention, you can move onto the more important stuff.

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