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5 Tips for Creating an Effective Corporate Video

A cineme camera is pointed at a woman sitting in front of a b bookshelf recording a testimonial video.

Corporate videos are an essential element of any video marketing strategy. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as introducing a new product or service, announcing a new CEO, or simply providing general information about your company. This can make corporate videos extremely effective in increasing brand awareness and generating leads. However, if they’re not done correctly, they can be ineffective and even damaging to your brand, so it’s important to get them right the first time. In this blog post, we will discuss 5 tips for creating an effective corporate video.

1) Keep It Short and Sweet

The first tip for creating an effective corporate video is to keep it short and sweet. People have short attention spans, so it’s important to get your message across quickly and succinctly. A study by LinkedIn found that view completion rates were 200% higher for videos under 30 seconds, so try to keep your video under this time limit if you expect people to watch all the way through.

2) Make It Visually Appealing

Another important tip for creating an effective corporate video is to make it visually appealing. People are more likely to watch a video that is aesthetically pleasing, so be sure to use captivating footage with high-quality visuals and graphics. 

You should also avoid using too much text on the screen.  Too much text can be overwhelming and difficult to read, so try to use short phrases or bullet points instead.

3) Use a Professional Voice-Over

A third tip for creating an effective corporate video is to use a professional voice-over. The voice-over is one of the most important elements of the video, so it’s important to choose someone with a clear and concise voice who can deliver your message in an engaging way. 

If you don’t have the budget to hire a professional voice-over artist, you can try recording the audio yourself or using text-to-speech software. Just be sure to practice beforehand so that you don’t sound robotic or monotonous.

4) Add a Call-to-Action

A fourth tip for creating an effective corporate video is to add a call-to-action. A call-to-action is a short statement that tells viewers what you want them to do after watching the video, such as visit your website or sign up for your email list. 

Without a call-to-action, your video will likely be forgotten soon after it’s watched. So be sure to include a strong call-to-action that is relevant to your video’s content.

5) Test, Test, Test!

The final tip for creating an effective corporate video is to test, test, test! Always test your video before you release it to the public. 

This means testing different aspects of the video, such as the length, the visuals, the audio, and the call-to-action. Try showing the video to a few different people and see how they react to it. If they have positive feedback, then you know you’re on the right track. 

The Bottom Line

Creating an effective corporate video is essential for any business that wants to use video as part of their marketing strategy. By following these five tips, you can create a video that is sure to engage and convert your audience.

Need some help putting your video together? We’d be happy to help! Click here to get in touch with BFresh.Media today.

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