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Our Top Tips for Producing Your First Business Video

A stock photo of a film set with cast, crew, lights and camera in a warehouse location.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably thinking about creating your first business video. Congratulations! You’re making a great move. Video is a great way to engage with your audience and tell your brand’s story. But it can also be a lot of work – especially if you’re not sure where to start. In this blog post, we’ll give you our top tips for producing your first business video. So let’s get started!

1) Put Together a Plan

The first step to any successful video project is planning. At the very least, you need to know what story you want to tell, who your target audience is, and what kind of video will best suit your needs. Once you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, you can start putting together a production team and a shooting schedule.

2) Find the Right People for the Job

As tempting (and free!) as it may be to recruit your friends and family to help out, you really need to recruit the right people for the job. Not everyone is cut out for video production. 

You need to find people who are creative, organized, and have a good attention to detail. Once you’ve put together your team, make sure everyone is on the same page about the project.

3) Get the Right Equipment

You don’t need the most expensive equipment to produce a great video. However, you do need to make sure you have the right equipment for your particular project.

For example, if you’re shooting a commercial, you’ll probably want a high-quality camera and sound equipment. On the other hand, if you’re shooting an interview, you might be able to get away with a more basic setup. This may include something like a DSLR camera, a tripod, and a microphone. Whatever you end up needing, the important thing is to buy or rent everything before you start shooting.

4) Shoot for Quality, Not Quantity

When you’re producing your first business video, it’s important to focus on quality, not quantity. In other words, don’t try to shoot too much footage. It’s better to have a few minutes of great footage than hours of mediocrity. 

This is where a good storyboard comes in handy. A storyboard is a tool that helps you map out your video before you start shooting. It can be as simple as a few sketches on a piece of paper, or as complex as a detailed shot-by-shot breakdown. Either way, it will help you stay on track while you’re shooting.

5) Edit, Edit, and Edit Some More

Once you’ve shot your footage, it’s time to start editing. This is where you’ll really bring your story to life.  

If you’re new to video editing, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Be patient. Editing can be a long and tedious process, but it’s important to take your time and get it right.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment. Try different things and see what works best for your project.
  • Remember that less is more. You don’t need to include everything you’ve shot in your final video. In fact, it’s often better to leave some things out.

The Bottom Line

Producing your first business video can be a daunting task. But with a little planning and the right team, you can create a great video that will engage and inform your audience. At the end of the day, just remember to focus on quality, not quantity, and to have fun with it!

Need a hand creating the right video for your business? We’d be happy to help! Click here to get in touch with a member of the BFresh.Media team today.

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