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The Difference Between Marketing and Advertising

Marketing vs. Advertising, bfresh media production

I was recently asked by a new client, What is the difference between Marketing and Advertising? Well this may seem like a simple question to some, it’s actually a fairly common one. To me, there are no simple questions I always take pride in trying to educate (even potential) clients, to help them up their […]

3 ways video will boost your marketing exposure

Video advertising with befresh media collingwood video production

Ok so my last blog post Ben’s #1 Reason to Advertise with Online Video, I talked about exposure and how Video advertising leads to way more of that good stuff. But how do you quantify exposure? Why is it so important? Well first let me clarify that exposure should not be your only concern when […]

Ben’s #1 Reason to Advertise with Online Video

collingwood video production

Video production should be a part of your marketing strategy. Why? Well it’s 2016 for one, and I know local cable and TV advertising is on the decline, but but seriously, it’s 2016. The fact is that online video can say more and reach farther than you ever imagined. They say a picture is worth […]

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